It looks like a house by the sea in Zanzibar for 215 thousand rubles

Everyone knows that you can buy real estate in Zanzibar at a low price. Paradise island is striking in the beauty of nature and the lack of the need to invest a lot of money in travel. For just a couple of thousand euros you can buy a house, and the place is very attractive: the dwelling is located near the sea (or rather, the ocean). Just walk for 10-15 minutes.

The appearance of luxury housing

Of course, anyone who has heard of such prices for Zanzibar real estate will want to go there and see what kind of houses there are.

On a note!

Suddenly there is a really interesting option in which you can profitably invest? After all, a house in the warm regions is much better than a country cottage. Who does not dream of the opportunity to spend a vacation on a beautiful island?

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So, the first house was sold at a price of 6.5 million shillings. Translated into euros, it is about 3 thousand. In rubles, this is 215 thousand.

On a note!

The property is located in a village called Kazimkazi. By the way, this part of the island is called the resort area. On the way to the destination, the realtor praised the house in every way, talking about its beauty, reliability and, oddly enough, the stone roof. As a complement there was a huge yard.

After such an “advertisement”, a truly paradise place can be dreamed of. In fact, it turned out that the current owners live in the house. Although this is even good, because due to this, you can assess the comfort of housing, to estimate whether it is realistic to live there.

Will it be necessary to make repairs or redevelopment? What furniture will you have to buy? What is the living area?

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On a note!

The yard was really rather big. A pleasant mistress woman was waiting at the entrance, and her little son was standing nearby. The owner returned to the kitchen to continue cooking, and ordered the child to show the housing in detail.

From the very first moment it became obvious that it was impossible to just pick up and drop into this house to live there with all amenities. For example, it looks like a bedroom.

A room in which there is not even a bed. Bare walls and clothes hanging all over the place only intensify the atmosphere.

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The living room looks no better.

And here is the entrance hall, passing through which you can get into the kitchen. Much superfluous has been instructed, and, again, clothes are hanging everywhere. And again the bare gray walls.

On a note!

The kitchen is at least surprising. But at the same time it is not so crowded.

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A separate entrance to the kitchen from the yard is as follows:

Of course, I immediately decided not to buy such a house. He does not even compare with the most seedy Russian apartments. We told the realtor that it takes time to think, but it seems that she herself understood everything, because she no longer called.
Comments on the article: 1
  1. Inna

    Well done! Work and monitor health

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