What to urgently do if mold appears under the wallpaper after repair

Repair is not only an expensive procedure for updating living space, but also a rather exhausting and energy-consuming process. And if the first signs of growing mold appear, then this means not only that the repair is not finished yet, but also that, most likely, you will have to redo something and accurately re-glue the wallpaper.

What are the causes of mold

Mold under the wallpaper can appear for completely different reasons, which include the following:

  • increased humidity, since fungal formations, which, in fact, is mold, are very fond of a humid environment;
  • leaking pipes, which also provoke the appearance of mold;
  • mold went along the wall from plastic windows, on which it can also periodically form.

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In fact, mold is a large accumulation of small living organisms that can adapt perfectly to almost any conditions.

The fight against mold depends on its variety, however, any type of fungal formation spreads quite quickly, so it is necessary to act as quickly as possible. The main danger of mold is far from the fact that it spreads very quickly, but that it carries in itself. If there is a high concentration of fungal microorganisms in the air, this can seriously affect the health of people living in the house.


If the room is covered by mold more than 20%, living in such a room becomes dangerous for both people and animals.

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How to deal with mold under the wallpaper - tips

The fight against fungal formations becomes completely meaningless, if you leave comfortable conditions for them, that is, dampness must be completely eliminated. Therefore, the ventilation of the apartment, as well as the elimination of leakage in the pipes, becomes the first priority.

If there are problems with ventilation, then you must try to deal with this problem, for this you need to clean the ventilation shafts, check the exhaust hood, and also install several additional fans.

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To destroy mold, you will need to use certain solutions with active substances:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • bleaching powder;
  • soda;
  • ammonia;
  • lemon acid;
  • acetic acid;
  • potassium permanganate.


Natural antiseptics will also help get rid of mold.

Of the natural antiseptics, it is better to use tea tree oil, you can add literally one spoonful of the substance to a glass of water, after which it is recommended that the whole mixture be placed in a spray bottle and evenly distributed throughout the mold distribution area.

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If there is a special ultraviolet equipment, it can also be used to destroy microorganisms and their spores. Before starting work to eliminate mold, it is necessary to properly prepare the area. First you need to remove all the excess from the room.

Especially pay attention to the furniture that stands near the wall covered with mold. Before pulling it out of the room, it is necessary to process the back wall with hydrogen peroxide or vinegar. So you protect the furniture from the penetration of mold inside.

Mold spores can be destroyed both quickly and slowly, so all things should be decontaminated immediately after the first signs of spread have been noticed.Unfortunately, the wallpaper will have to be torn off and destroyed, because otherwise there is a risk some time after the work is done again to see the fungus.

The fight against mold is not an easy process, so you need to prepare thoroughly for it. Remember, the main thing in this situation is not to hesitate, otherwise the mold will quickly spread to a large area.


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