10 secrets of a good and healthy sleep

Modern man works hard and sleeps little. As a result, health deteriorates, performance decreases, and a vicious circle is obtained. In order to feel vigor and a surge of strength not under the influence of a cup (or even more than one) of coffee, a person needs to get enough sleep. There are 10 secrets to quality sleep that everyone should know.

You need to fall asleep on time

Somnologists (doctors who deal with sleep and problems with it) say that from 7 to 8 hours is enough for a person to get enough sleep. Of course, there are lucky people who can fully relax in 6 hours. But they are few. The most useful dream is before midnight, therefore it is advised to go to bed no later than this time. And you need to do this every day.

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Daytime sleep is not equal to night rest

Only children under 5 years old need sleep during the day because their internal biorhythms and systems are not yet fully formed. In adults, the equal sign between daytime and nighttime sleep is erased.


Even lying down to rest during the day, it is impossible to compensate for the fact that a person did not sleep at night. Although you should not completely refuse a siesta, especially in the hot season.

No stimulants

To ensure a good quality sleep, somnologists recommend refusing coffee and energy drinks, especially in the afternoon. Fighting drowsiness is best done with sweet green tea. A drink will allow the body to relax and, therefore, prepare for sleep. The use of stimulants makes sleep disturbing, a person often wakes up.

We create full conditions

The quality of sleep is greatly influenced by the process of falling asleep. The bedroom should be dark (in the nursery the dim light of the night lamp is allowed) and quiet. Half an hour before bedtime, it is recommended to ventilate the room.


The mattress should be medium hard. The pillow requirements are also very high. Somnologists note that you can’t get high and soft options, otherwise you won’t get enough sleep.

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All in the shower

The working day of a modern person is full of stressful situations. Because of this, all parts of the body are in great tension, which prevents it from falling asleep normally and getting enough sleep. Relax muscles, help the body get rid of cortisol. which in large quantities is produced during stress helps a shower or bath.

No books, gadgets and movies

Some of us go to bed with a book or tablet, others include our favorite movie. But somnologists are convinced - this is not the best way to fall asleep. A film, a book, games - all this is information that the brain will have to “digest”. Accordingly, a full and high-quality sleep can not be achieved.


It’s better to turn on soft music and just lie down.

No smoking

Tobacco alone is an addiction. But, as recent studies have shown, even second-hand smoke negatively affects the quality of sleep. This can be explained by the fact that nicotine has a stimulating effect on the body and causes oxygen starvation.

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Change the bed regularly

Clean and fragrant bedding quickly sets a person to sleep. The accumulated smell of sweat will make the person’s nose work by analyzing odors.

No late meal

The requirement not to eat after 6 was born not in vain. A full stomach does not allow a person to fall asleep deeply and, accordingly, fully fall asleep.Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir, if you really feel like eating.

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Listen to the body

If a person begins to actively fall asleep, you need to listen, even if there are things that are very important to complete. It is better to get up early in the morning and complete all the tasks than to experience the feeling of being overwhelmed all day.


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