Where does Maria Sittel live (photo)

Recently, the famous TV presenter Maria Sittel, together with her husband and children, moved to a spacious apartment in New Riga.

short biography

Maria comes from Penza, her childhood and youth passed there. Thanks to perseverance and a craving for knowledge, having matured, the girl herself earned her own home. It has enough space for all members of her large and friendly family.

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Maria is a mother of many children.

From the first marriage a daughter was born - Daria. But the relationship of the spouses did not work out and they divorced. Then the upbringing of the child was taken up by the parents of Mary, giving her daughter the opportunity to closely engage in a career.

The girl dreamed of becoming a doctor, but due to the lack of a nearby university, she left this idea. Her parents would still not have let her go far from home. First, she graduated from the Penza Medical Lyceum, then VG Belinsky Pedagogical Institute, having received the specialty of a biologist-chemist.

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After an unsuccessful marriage, at the insistence of her parents, Maria submitted documents to the All-Russian Institute of Finance and Economics for the correspondence department. So she received a second higher education.

In Penza, Mary's name was well-known to everyone, since the girl worked on television and managed to fall in love with the audience. Her affairs quickly went uphill. Since 2001, she got on Central Television, where she currently runs the Vesti program on the Russia 1 channel.

Gradually, in Mary’s personal life, everything was fine. She got married. Her chosen one was businessman Alexander Tereshchenko. In a happy marriage, the couple had four children. Three boys - Ivan, Savva and Nikolai, and the girl - Catherine.

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TV presenter's house

On a plot of 10 acres, acquired by Sittel before marriage and located on Novorizhskoe highway, there is a two-story mansion. Now everything is arranged there on the highest level, the family has been living in it constantly since 2014. In connection with her studies, the eldest daughter Daria moved to Moscow.

A special place in the house is given to the playroom, where the kids spend most of the time. The head of the family was engaged in arranging the internal space. He himself assembled furniture, hung chandeliers and took an active part in the construction of the bath with the builders.

Relatives of Mary help her in every way in raising children, giving her the opportunity to pursue a career. The woman took place not only in the profession, but also as a mother and wife.

Comments on the article: 5

    It is always nice to read good articles about M. Sittel, which took place both in the profession and in life!

  2. Vladimir

    I did not find the slightest dirty trick, not even a hint. It’s even a shame Maria. And I’m sure that they won’t find a hook to her to run around.

  3. Vladimir Vasilievich

    Good woman. I envy the one to whom she got.

  4. Someone

    The article is straight for Mashenka ... What a smart girl ... just go nuts ... you have to dig into the biography .. what we see: Father Eduard Anatolyevich was an accomplished businessman .. yeah .. so she achieved everything herself .. By nationality the girl turned out to be half Jewish .. oh .. all the more so, she achieved it herself ... and as a result of her entire career - a talking head in a zombie man ... what a smart girl ... she did a great job and still will work for the benefit of Jewish businessmen!

  5. Rada

    She’s a very smart and sensible lady, she’s great at transmitting, it’s nice to watch such a woman. Not that she is broadcasting The results of the week on Zeynalova’s NTV channel it’s just disgusting to watch her waving her hands as mentally abnormal and no one will dismiss her so worthless, she just needs to remove it for a long time from this channel. she waved a broom only.

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