Why do I need to save silica gel bags

For many, it remains a mystery, for which a bag of powder is put in a box with shoes. In fact, it is silica gel, which, being in a paper bag, protects the shoes in the box from abundant moisture. Thus, leather shoes or boots retain their attractive appearance.

Of course, after you bought the shoes, you can simply throw away this bag, but there are certain household problems that silica gel will help solve.

Expert Advice

Currently, cat litter is made from this material, but most likely you won’t accumulate so much silica gel to solve the problem.

On a note!

It is recommended that powder bags be kept in a dry and ventilated place.

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Therefore, experts easily provide you with a dozen different options on how you can use this powder:

  • Silica gel copes with the absorption of moisture. If you drop your phone in water, then proceed as follows. We immediately remove the memory card, battery and SIM card. Next, put the phone in a bowl and fill it with powder. The adsorbent absorbs moisture as soon as possible and your phone will work again.
  • Drying shoes is also very easy. That is, you just use a bag of silica gel for its intended purpose.
  • Getting rid of bad odor in a suitcase or backpack is very easy. Only a few paper bags with silica gel powder are needed. Of course, you can just put them in a backpack and carry them around with you all the time.
  • To get rid of fogging of the lenses of your camera in the cold season, it is enough to put a bag of adsorbent in a bag with equipment.
  • Silica gel also maintains moisture in containers. If you need to store seeds or cereals for a long time, then just put one bag in a jar and close it tightly.

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  • Preparation of material for herbarium also cannot do without the use of silica gel. It is enough to pour powder into a bowl and immerse the necessary flowers, leaves and so on in it.
  • Caring for silverware often comes down to black plaque. This is due to moisture that remains on the surface of the appliances. You just need to put bags with adsorbent in a box with silver devices and store them in this format.
  • You can also put silica gel in a cosmetic bag to prevent drying of your powder.
  • A bag of silica gel in a tool box will also not be superfluous and will exclude rusting processes.

Currently, the adsorbent of this format has a considerable number of advantages. You can safely leave these bags of dry powder from boxes with shoes and use in everyday life.

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Silica Gel Features

Most often, cobalt chloride is used in production, which acts as silica gel.

On a note!

In dry form, the adsorbent has a blue color, with the accumulation of moisture acquires a lighter shade, very often turns pink. Thus, you can control the time when you should change the bags with silica gel.

You need to dry enough wet bags with cobalt chloride in the oven. It is enough to heat the chamber to 150 degrees and leave this powder for several tens of minutes. After, the reuse of the adsorbent will not be limited to anything.

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In everyday life, the use of silica gel is complicated by the fact that the powder can get into food. Therefore, cobalt chloride must be used carefully.

Currently, this powder can be purchased in specialized online stores and stored in dense fabric bags. This way you can guarantee some level of security.


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