10 mistakes that lead to mold

According to experts, in Europe up to 50% of premises are affected by mold. It is unpleasant and dangerous to be in them, because fungi become a source of chronic diseases. So, some scientists associate the mold with the famous Tutankhamun curse, which claimed the lives of archaeologists who opened the tomb of the pharaoh. However, health problems can be avoided if not done.

10 classic mistakes

  • Dripping pipes and taps.

Small moisture leaks do not globally affect utility bills and often eliminate them “until better times”.

On a note!

However, constant humidity creates ideal conditions for the development of mold, and also attracts cockroaches. No need to save on sealants and quality plumbing.

  • Poor ventilation.

Steam in the bathroom and in the kitchen, stale and moist air in the room give the necessary amount of moisture for the active growth of molds. The premises should be regularly ventilated so that excess water is not absorbed into the walls.

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  • Saving on windows.

Cheap plastic designs often fog up. Sometimes this even leads to the appearance of puddles on the windowsills. And moisture attracts mold. Another common cause of condensation is the lack of external and internal slopes.

  • Leaking roof.

To dry the attic after rain, you need to make a lot of effort. Rarely anyone does this.

On a note!

So do not be surprised at the appearance of fungi on the walls and things left in storage if there is no time for repair.

  • Raw basement.

Lack of foundation or mistakes in its creation, problems with sewers can provoke the appearance of mold throughout the house. As a result, fungi can suddenly appear even in the middle of the floor, and not just in the corners.

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  • Temperature differences.

Cracks, insufficient heating of the premises lead to a temperature difference in the room and on the surface of the walls. This is the cause of condensation and high humidity.

On a note!

In this case, the mold remains in the thickness of the wall even when cleaning and drying the surface and returns time after time.

  • Rare carpet cleaning.

Carpets are not only beautiful and warm, but also ideal “dust collectors”. Scrubbing them is difficult. As a result, a cozy “home” for mold is created in the thickness of the carpet, and the dust easily carries spores of fungi around the house.

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  • Wet clothes.

Getting wet to the skin and getting home, I just want to keep warm. And wet things and an umbrella, wet shoes left in the hallway moisten the walls and help mold grow.

On a note!

The same goes for wet towels, hanging for weeks in the bathroom. There is only one solution - timely drying of things and airing of rooms.

  • An abundance of paper.

Cardboard boxes, books and documents in a damp room are excellent soil for mold growth. The paper absorbs moisture well and holds it for a long time, creating reserves of liquid for fungi. And after infection, it remains only to burn.

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  • Dry wood.

Freshly chopped wood releases a huge amount of moisture. It can be stored indoors only after thorough drying. Better yet, buy immediately last year's firewood, which managed to completely and completely dry.

In ancient times, it was believed that if mold appeared in the house, it must be burned and a new one built. This was the only guaranteed way to get rid of fungi. Now there are more effective ways to fight. But without correcting the mistakes, you have to fight mold for years.


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