Rules and methods for insulating the attic from the inside with your own hands

All rooms in the house need insulation. The attic is no exception. If the technology of thermal insulation of this zone is violated, then with the arrival of cold weather, cold wind will blow into the formed cracks, as a result of which the ceiling, walls and rafters will be covered with condensate and begin to rot. To prevent problems, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules and methods of insulating the attic from the inside with your own hands.

How to insulate the roof of the attic from the inside

Effective heat insulators

The modern construction market offers a very wide selection of materials for thermal insulation. The most popular heaters are:

How to warm the attic

  1. Fiberglass. This material has an affordable cost and many advantages. For example, a fiberglass heat insulator does not emit toxic substances, does not ignite, adheres perfectly to different surfaces and effectively retains heat. To make quality insulation of the attic roof and walls with fiberglass, you must follow the installation rules for this material. In addition, it is recommended to work with it in a protective respirator, since fiberglass emits fine dust.
  2. Mineral wool. Effective insulation made of synthetic fibers. Minvata has a small mass, environmental friendliness and excellent soundproofing characteristics. This material is suitable not only for insulation, but also for vapor barrier. Available in the form of rolls or plates.
  3. Styrofoam. Popular, cheap and very convenient material. For its installation does not need special skills and knowledge. However, the foam does not pass steam well through its structure. In addition, it is attractive to rodents.
  4. PPU (polyurethane foam). This insulation has a liquid structure. PPU is applied using a special spray. Then it hardens and forms a strong, reliable and seamless coating.
  5. Foil based materials. Such heat insulators perform several tasks simultaneously: mirror reflection of heat and warming. However, a similar effect can be achieved only if the material is laid with an aluminum coating inside the attic. In addition, when warming, it is better to leave a gap of 5-6 cm between the vapor and heat insulation.

Warming Rules

Thermal insulation of the attic floor involves the creation of a pie. It is installed according to a scheme that should not be derogated from:

 warming the attic from the inside with your own hands

  1. Drywall decoration.
  2. Vapor barrier. A vapor barrier layer is a coating made of roll type materials that are laid with an overlap of 8-10 cm. The canvases are fixed at the horizontal and vertical joints with a special tape with an adhesive backing.
  3. Crate. This structural element is responsible for several functions: it mounts the heat insulator, acts as the basis for vapor barrier, forms a space for ventilation.
  4. Thermal insulation. In some cases, it fits into 2-3 layers. In the inner part of the attic of the house, the heat insulator is fixed in the voids between the rafters.
  5. Waterproofing. This layer is required to prevent moisture insulation. If you insulate the roof without taking into account this rule, thermal insulation will lose its properties. Between the waterproofing and insulation it is advisable to leave a little space for ventilation so that condensation does not form in the cake.
  6. Counter grill. This structural element is required to create a ventilation gap. In the area of ​​valley and slopes, holes must be made. The width of the gap depends on the material that is used to arrange the wooden roof.If the roof is covered with slate or other similar material, this characteristic is 25 mm, when installing a flat type material - 50 mm.
  7. Wind insulation. Provides wind protection.

Thermal insulation methods

There are several ways to properly insulate the attic in a private house.

The main ones are:

The choice of material for attic insulation

How to insulate the attic inside

  1. Installing a heat insulator between the rafters. This option is considered the simplest.
  2. Integrated thermal insulation. In this case, the roof will have to be insulated with several varieties of heaters that have hydraulic properties.
  3. Installing a heat insulator over the rafter system. The technique makes it possible to save the space of the attic space.

Attic slopes are slightly inclined, therefore, for their thermal insulation it is necessary to use a material that does not lose shape for a long time. It is better to take pieces of a heat insulator. To warm horizontal surfaces, roll materials can be used.

Knowing how to insulate the roof of the attic from the inside, you can save money on the services of specialists.

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