How to design a home office: 2019 ideas

How to design a home office: 2019 ideas

The organization of a workplace in an apartment can only consist of putting a laptop on a coffee table - yes, this is a simple and effective solution that looks great on photographs in newspapers. A minimalist table, a laptop ready to use, a trendy cup of coffee ... that's right. However, this has little to do with comfort and ergonomics. Therefore, if we regularly work at home, much more attention should be paid to this.

We must create a place where we will feel good, which will inspire us and encourage us to work effectively. We will also remember the good organization of the space for the necessary documents or accessories.

An ideal situation when we can allocate a separate room for the home office. However, how to find a functional space for a small apartment?


First of all, we must choose which part of the apartment we want to adapt to the workplace. If we have a separate living room - the largest room in the apartment - we can highlight one of the corners of the room for the workplace. It is a good idea to separate the work area from the sleep area.


It is worth choosing a well-lit place, preferably by the window. Remember that light is reflected from the monitor and impairs visibility, so we must check the angle of incidence and choose a place where the light will not interfere with us. Having put a little table by the window - we can hide the battery under it.

On a note!

It’s a good idea to separate the workplace from the rest of the apartment by placing an openwork bookcase or a screen between the work area and the rest. We can also put the desk away from natural light - but in this case it should be well lit by artificial light.

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Access to electrical outlets - if we affect their number, I advise you to always install more of them - this will allow us to avoid “confusion” of cables and extension cords - thus making it easier to maintain order around the table.

The countertop is preferably rectangular - because we can use its entire length. The minimum length is 120 cm, the maximum - depends on our needs and the place that we have. The same applies to the width - 60 cm is the optimal width.

To work on a desktop computer with a large monitor, you may need a wider working surface - 75 cm, so that the monitor is further from our eyes. However, it depends on the specifics of a particular profession. However, if we sometimes work while standing, we will need a table with adjustable height. These tables at a low price can be purchased at IKEA.

On a note!

We should also think about how much space we need to store documents and other materials. Closed cabinets will help us maintain order in the workplace, but we always have free access to open ones.

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In the case of closed cabinets, it is worth considering sliding doors - they will save space - which can be important for small apartments. Shelves above the table are also functional - we also use this space. Mobile containers that can be hidden under the table can also help.

And of course - a comfortable chair. Not everyone likes office chairs - they are large and not very aesthetic - especially they can ruin the arrangement of a cozy bedroom or living room.The chair, however, should be comfortable and ergonomic, adapt to the shape of the back and have an adjustable height - especially if you spend at least 8 hours on it.

On a note!

There are many swivel chairs in the market, some of which can replace traditional office chairs, and it’s much easier to choose the interior of the apartment. It is important to have a comfortable fit and comfort in use, so I advise you to check in advance how comfortable a chair is for us.

Let's also recall the artificial light - table lamps or sconces with an adjustable angle of illumination are best suited for this purpose. The side of the lamp setting is also important - if we are right handed, the light should fall on the left side and vice versa. This setting will result in us not blocking the light with our hand.

Especially useful when it comes to the home office, this is the place to record, take notes or inspiration. Such a place for notes is best seen - it can be a cork board, a magnetic board or a fragment of a wall painted with chalk. In stores, we can also purchase perforated plates or decorative grilles on which we can hang information or accessories necessary for work.

Interconnected aesthetics

It is good to choose such colors and materials for the table and cabinets to make a link to existing furniture. It is worth considering the table as a continuation of the furniture in this room - a consistent color will create the impression of unity of furniture and bring order.

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On a note!

Light wood looks good and harmonious in the workplace. Darkness creates an interesting atmosphere - but it must be combined with well-chosen light.

If we adhere to the above tips and combine them with your needs, we can create a convenient place to work in your own apartment.

A place where work will be effective and enjoyable. An interesting layout of the office area, naturally integrated into the space of the apartment, will complement and diversify your layout.

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